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ska fixa till mej ,, im havin a little parteeey at home hehe lol inte riktigt så kanske =P
imorgon after work ska jag träffa fishy down town .. hehe hoppas jag har krafter att vara pigg å flumma runt .. lets hope i dont get tierd after a long day with maah old people =D
imorgon after work ska jag träffa fishy down town .. hehe hoppas jag har krafter att vara pigg å flumma runt .. lets hope i dont get tierd after a long day with maah old people =D
Nema säger:
you ARE having a party without including me ..my Godness, how could you do that to me ha?, how??!!=p .. Du vet att vi ska träffas =p don't take your energy out on that day on old ppl then =p. Längtar =D