study session

I went to Uni today without having a lession or a seminare .. nooo ! i went to uni to study with my classmate H (hmms progress?) in the library.. we booked a group room and sat and studied .. actually the study session gave a lot of new ways of thinking =)

tomorrow , its my day *off* .. maybe spend the day at m-berg with mom .. and then do what I like to the most .. chiill & relax at home ;)

torsdag, loooong day accordning to the schedule.. gaah from early morning to 17,00 =/ .. hopefully the urtos will be at school also ;D.. my freakin group has a Lab in the morning which ruins everythiing .. Hmms Glukooos? Yeaah I know how that woorks ... buut I still have to participate =/

oh well byebye ... notice I written a whole blog in english ,, areen't I just sooo good =P *lol* ... I have forgotten my good english .. from now on I have to bring on my A-game english ;D *lool*

ciaociao <3


Nema säger:

hahaha i actually didn't notice that before i wrote it for me hahah :p , Ayo goes smarter (notice I wrote 'smarter' not smart') hahah lol. Duktig du är o sätter i skolan o pluggar. smitta av dig så kanske jag börjar också sätta igång wallahi I really mean that haha. same here long day too with exam+sem =S

2009-02-10 | 23:02:21

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